AR# 67558


Vivado - ERROR: [Project 1-589] Checkpoint part '(part name)-es2' is not available. Closest-matching available part(s): (part name)


ES devices have limited support.

When trying to open the checkpoint of an ES device in newer releases of Vivado where they are not longer supported, the following message can be observed:

ERROR: [Project 1-589] Checkpoint part '<part name>-es2' is not available. Closest-matching available part(s): <part name>


To allow the opening of a checkpoint of an ES device in a version of Vivado that no longer supports that device, the following work-around can be used.

Open the checkpoint and override the device to the closest-matching available part using the following command:

open_checkpoint <checkpoint name>.dcp -part <part name>
AR# 67558
日期 07/22/2016
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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