AR# 72099


LogiCORE H.264/H.265 Video Codec Unit (VCU) v1.0 - Why does the AVC use more memory than the HEVC codec?


Why does the AVC use more memory than the HEVC codec?

See Table 3-9 of (PG252):


This is because AVC requires extra intermediate buffers when it is using multiple cores.  The Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC VCU AVC Encoder uses multiple cores when the resolution is >= 1080p60.

The AVC standard does not support tile processing like the HEVC standard does.  

As a result, in order to support the parallel processing when using multiple cores, the AVC encoder requires two intermediate buffers.

This is the reason for the ~100MB delta between the HEVC and AVC CMA requirements for 3840x2160 in Table 3-9: VCU Encoder CMA Requirements in (PG252).



AR# 72099
日期 03/13/2019
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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