AR# 76570


2021.1 Versal ACAP - Linux: Boot fails if "default" PLM/PSM protection configuration is enabled


In the 2021.1 release, the "default" protection configuration assigns a small number of resources to PLM and PSM firmware.

No Masters other than PPU0/1, PSM, DAP/DPC and PMC DMAs should be able to access the address space of these resources directly.

However, there is the use case of the PMC GPIO (which is a protected resource) used by the Linux OSPI driver for device reset.

This direct access is blocked when using the default protection configuration, which prevents from Linux booting.


To work around this issue, do not enable the "default" protection configuration in the 2021.1 release.

This issue will be fixed in 2021.2.



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
76526 PetaLinux 2021.1 - Product Update Release Notes and Known Issues N/A N/A
AR# 76570
日期 06/21/2021
状态 Active
Type 已知问题
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