There aredifferent versions of the 7 series FPGA Transceiver Wizard available in Vivado Design Suite 2012.2,2012.3 and 2012.4 toolsto support the different silicon versions of 7 Series FPGA transceivers. For details, refer to(Xilinx Answer 46048).
To generate or implement the core, follow these steps:
1. Invoke the CORE Generator tool and generate the correct 7 series FPGA Transceivers Wizard versionfiles (based on the silicon version as mentioned above).
2. Run the file from the command prompt, make sure LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set properly.
3. To run the implementation in GUI mode:
4. After all the above GUI mode steps are completed successfully, any of the implementation flow options can be run from the Vivado GUI.
5. When running implementation in GUI mode: to avoid DRC errors due to unconstrained pins in the design, please use the following command in the TCL console:
set_property BITSTREAM.General.UnconstrainedPins {Allow} [current_design]
Note: For more information on MYXILINX and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables, see (Xilinx Answer 2493).
To run the transceiver wizard simulation using Vivado integrated Modelsim/Questa/XSIM (Launch sim), follow these steps:
1. Copy ".dat" files to sim directory using "Add Sources -> Add or Create Simulation Sources tab in GUI.
2.Copy all designand testbench files (all .v or .vhd) using "Add sources -> Add or Create Design Sources tab in GUI.
3. For Modelsim/Questa, point to the correct compiled library location by selecting 'Simulation settings' and setting the path at 'Compiled library location' tab. (for example,it can be set to /proj/xbuilds/clibs/ids_14.3_P.40xd.1.0/modelsim/10.1a/lin64/lib).
4. Set the top module name by clicking on 'Simulation top module name'.
5. Run Simulation.
TCL commands to add dat files to simulation directory.
add_files -fileset sim_1 -norecurse {project_1/project_1.srcs/sources_1/ip/gtwizard_v2_3_0/gtwizard_v2_3_0/simulation/functional/gt_rom_init_rx.dat project_1/project_1.srcs/sources_1/ip/gtwizard_v2_2_0/gtwizard_v2_2_0/simulation/functional/gt_rom_init_tx.dat}
Answer Number | 问答标题 | 问题版本 | 已解决问题的版本 |
41613 | 7 Series FPGAs GTX/GTH Transceivers - Known Issues and Answer Record List | N/A | N/A |
AR# 50890 | |
日期 | 12/10/2012 |
状态 | Active |
Type | 综合文章 |
器件 | |
Tools | |
IP |