The RXAUI v2.4 rev1, v3.0 and v3.0 rev1 cores contain updates to the GTP reset sequence required for production silicon. For more information on these requirements, see (Xilinx Answer 53779) and (Xilinx Answer 53561). The GTRXRESET state machine expects the GTRXRESET in the DCLK domain while the block level wrapper issues this clock in the userclk (clk156) domain. The logic below should be added to extend the GTRXRESET to ensure it correctly crosses to the dclk domain, and also ensures that a second reset is not issued while the previous reset is in progress.
To address this issue, make the following changes to the <core_name>_block.v or vhd file:
signal mgt_rx_reset_stretched : std_logic;
signal mgt_rx_reset_inprocess : std_logic := '0';
signal mgt_rx_reset_stretched_unique : std_logic;
signal mgt_rx_reset_stretch_r : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";
GT0_GTRXRESET_IN => mgt_rx_reset_stretched_unique,
GT1_GTRXRESET_IN => mgt_rx_reset_stretched_unique,
process(common_pll_reset, reset, dclk)
if common_pll_reset = '1' or reset = '1' then
mgt_rx_reset_inprocess <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(dclk) then
if mgt_rx_reset_stretched = '1' then
mgt_rx_reset_inprocess <= '1';
end if;
if (core_mgt_rx_reset = "00") then
mgt_rx_reset_inprocess <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
process(dclk, mgt_rx_reset)
if mgt_rx_reset = '1' then
mgt_rx_reset_stretch_r(2) <= '1';
elsif rising_edge(dclk) then
mgt_rx_reset_stretch_r <= '0' & mgt_rx_reset_stretch_r(2 downto 1);
end if;
end process;
mgt_rx_reset_stretched <= mgt_rx_reset_stretch_r(0);
mgt_rx_reset_stretched_unique <= mgt_rx_reset_stretched and not mgt_rx_reset_inprocess;
wire mgt_rx_reset_stretched;
reg mgt_rx_reset_inprocess = 1'b0;
wire mgt_rx_reset_stretched_unique;
reg [2:0] mgt_rx_reset_stretch_r = 3'b000;
.GT0_GTRXRESET_IN (mgt_rx_reset_stretched_unique),
.GT1_GTRXRESET_IN (mgt_rx_reset_stretched_unique),
always @(posedge common_pll_reset or posedge reset or posedge dclk)
if (common_pll_reset || reset ) begin
mgt_rx_reset_inprocess <= 1'b0;
else begin
if (mgt_rx_reset_stretched) begin
mgt_rx_reset_inprocess <= 1'b1;
if (core_mgt_rx_reset == 2'b00) begin
mgt_rx_reset_inprocess <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge dclk or posedge mgt_rx_reset)
if (mgt_rx_reset) begin
mgt_rx_reset_stretch_r[2] <= 1'b1;
else begin
mgt_rx_reset_stretch_r <= {1'b0 , mgt_rx_reset_stretch_r[2 : 1]};
assign mgt_rx_reset_stretched = mgt_rx_reset_stretch_r[0];
assign mgt_rx_reset_stretched_unique = mgt_rx_reset_stretched && !mgt_rx_reset_inprocess;
Answer Number | 问答标题 | 问题版本 | 已解决问题的版本 |
47692 | LogiCORE IP RXAUI - Release Notes and Known Issues for v2.x and earlier | N/A | N/A |
54249 | IP Release Notes and Known Issues for LogiCORE RXAUI for Vivado 2013.1 and newer tool versions | N/A | N/A |
AR# 56313 | |
日期 | 10/28/2013 |
状态 | Active |
Type | 综合文章 |
IP |