AR# 58585


LogiCORE IP DUC/DDC Compiler v3.0 (Rev. 3) - "CRITICAL WARNING: [Netlist 29-98] The DSP48E2 multiplier has increased from 25x18 to 27x18"


In Vivado Design Suite 2013.4, the core may issue a critical warning similar to the following during implementation:

CRITICAL WARNING: [Netlist 29-98] The DSP48E2 multiplier has increased from 25x18 to 27x18, so automatic retargeting when USE_MULT=DYNAMIC is not guaranteed. Please review instance 'U0/i_synth/i_synth/g_ant[2].g_op.f1_op/filt/g_filt[0].fc/mac.mac/fir_select/gen_polyphase_interpolation_symmetry.fir/gen_accum.gen_paths[0].accumulator/gen_structural.gen_virte.gen_dsp48e.gen_dsp48e1_v6.dsp48e1_v6' and make appropriate modifications to ensure pins A[26:25] are sign-extension of A[24] during multiply operation.


This critical warning can be safely ignored as the circuit will operate as desired. 

This issue is planned to be fixed in 2014.1.

For a detailed list of LogiCORE IP DUC/DDC Compiler Release Notes and Known Issues, see (Xilinx Answer 54476).



Answer Number 问答标题 问题版本 已解决问题的版本
54476 LogiCORE IP DUC/DDC Compiler - Release Notes and Known Issues for Vivado 2013.1 and newer tool versions N/A N/A
AR# 58585
日期 08/20/2014
状态 Active
Type 综合文章
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